Share your thoughts to help improve the Simplified northern residents travel deduction

Earlier this year, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) introduced the Simplified northern residents travel deduction, a pilot project with the goal of making it easier for eligible northern residents to provide the necessary information in their claim and access the deduction. Now, they are taking steps to collect feedback and identify more ways to improve the process.

If you’re a northern resident, a tax professional or any other stakeholder with experience using the lowest return airfare tables and claiming this deduction, they want to hear from you! Your insights will be valuable in helping them enhance their services. An online questionnaire is now available on where you can let them know your thoughts.

In addition to the questionnaire, consultations are being held in the form of virtual and in-person roundtables to gather feedback. You can visit their consultation page for more information and learn how to participate.

You can also provide input by emailing their dedicated mailbox: NRD Comments / DHRE Commentaires (CRA/ARC).

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